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User-Created Database (.NDB format)

You can create databases containing your own waypoints and/or for navaids/airports not in the main database. You don't need programming experience - the files can be created for example using Microsoft Excel's ascii-file export feature or even the venerable notepad. Here's an example of an NDB file.

Note the following about NDB files:

  • They have extension NDB. Name can be anything.
  • These files are text files with each navaid/airport in a separate line.
  • The line terminator can be CR or CR-LF.
  • The fields within a line are delimited by the TAB character.
  • There are two record types - one for navaids and the other for airports. Both can co-exist in the same file.

Navaid Record:

The navaid record has 8 fields:

  • ID - upto 5 letter id.
  • Name - full name. Displayed when clicked on ID.
  • State - US state. not used.
  • Type - one of { "VOR", "NDB" or "FIX" }
  • Lat - format [+/-] ddd.sssss. Negative for southern hemisphere.
  • Lon - format [+/-] ddd.sssss. Negative for points west of prime meridian (see example below).
  • Magvar - magnetic variation. not used.
  • Freq - freq for the navaid. Displayed when clicked on ID.

For example:
SAX SPARTA NJ VORTAC 41.067514 -74.538325 11W 115.70

The fractional part for lat/lon, is a fraction of 1 degree. For example 10 degree, 59 min and 58 seconds should be specified as: 10.0 + (59/60) + (58/3600) = 10.983.

Some books/charts specify position as deg min.sss where sss is a fraction of 1 minute (e.g. 41° 31.95´ S). To make it easy to enter such entries, there's an alternate style. The example above can be specfied as -41:31.95.

Airport Record

The airport record has 10 fields:

  • ID - full ICAO airport code in uppercase.
  • Name - displayed when clicked on ID.
  • State - not used
  • Address - not used
  • Lat - same as navaid
  • Lon - same as navaid
  • Elevation - in feet (MSL) - Used for airport info. If you don't know the elevation, leave the field blank.
  • Magvar - the number of degrees and 'E' or 'W'. Used for gps units that do not output magnetic variance. See example below. If you don't know the mag-var value, leave the field blank.
  • Runway - not used
  • Length - not used

For example:
CDW CALDWELL NJ ESSEX COUNTY 40.875223 -74.281357 173 13W 04/22 4553

Note: The NDB files you create have to be in the install folder - that's the same folder where navgps.exe is installed.

Note: Navgps will not report syntax errors during load-time. But if you're using Navgps Pro 3.14+, "My Documents\navgps load status.txt" file will contain the load status of the last session. If your entries are not showing up, open that file with File Explorer.

Конкретно по России баз не существует, Россия включена в базу atlantic.NG2

Карты для своего региона  можно скачать с офф.сайта

На посадку заход...

Режим называется: "Approach mode".

Торец ВПП можно забить в план как например UUDD.R32L

В полете, нажать нужный аэродром->info->runway->select->выбрать торец->GOTO.

Попробуйте использовать, браузер Opera, или Internet Explorer (без надстроек типа Maxton и т.п.).

Купить более мощный КПК...?   )))

А вообще , вопрос не совсем корректен...

Какие базы загружаете? 

Загружаете ли TOPO?

Загружаете ли одновременно несколько файлов *.ndb или *.udb

Посмотрите,  что написано (какие ошибки, дубли) в файлах "navgps load status"  и "navgps-log",

эти файлы находятся в папке "Мои документы".


На клавиатуре, клавишами "W" и "S".

Повороты соответственно, клавишами "<-" и "->".

На КПК используется виртуальная клавиатура.

Попробуйте использовать браузер Opera, или Internet Explorer (без надстроек типа Maxton и т.п.)

Navgps Pro под IPAD нет.
Добавил: Николай

Navgps Pro под Android нет.
Добавил: Евгений